Exploring Hub RTP
“Around Town” is a collection of architectural photography showcasing the evolving landscape of Hub RTP’s 100-acre campus. Displayed at the Research Triangle Park Headquarters, this series captures the essence of modern design and innovation through striking images of key structures and spaces within Hub RTP. Each photograph highlights intricate details, geometric forms and dynamic interplay of light and shadow that define the area’s vibrant downtown. From the sleek lines of contemporary office towers to the inviting communal spaces, “Around Town” offers a visual narrative of Hub RTP’s transformation into a thriving destination for work, play and community.
Monica Slaney
Even before the stage was set and camera equipment was in place, an enormous amount of investigation and conversation took place. In addition to educating myself on Research Triangle Park the history of its founding fathers, I gave thought to photography and composition…How do you create a contemporary still life photograph reminiscent of the works of Dutch masters? How can a single photograph convey the story of one persons’ impact in creating a place so significant to North Carolina and the world? How do you make a photograph where the fine details come to light over time, but evokes mystery and emotion at first glance?The mental image of each artwork came alive as I gathered information and meaningful artifacts, and I could see how the collection of these things would lead viewers’ minds to North Carolina and Research Triangle Park. I wanted to see a traditional still life that slowly revealed hidden objects, showing the true complexity of the photograph. The title of each piece hints at the deeper meaning within the scene, while the accompanying story brings into view the true symbolism of each artwork.
- Medium: Photography
- Year: 2024
- To schedule an appointment to view this collection, contact [email protected]