
The Durham Art Guild in partnership with the Research Triangle Foundation presents “Natura Morta – Impressions, Fantasies, and Fruits of Nature” featuring work by DAG member Yana Slutskaya.

Yana Slutskaya

My works are inspired by the European painters of the Golden Age of the 17th century, who aimed to render still-life paintings so realistically as if they were photographs. In contrast, I capture photographs as if they were paintings, depicting the beauty and poetry of this genre. I choose to photograph things that are dear to me, such as flowers and fruit from my garden, shells, and collectibles from my family and various markets.Classic still-life paintings can reveal a hidden world with deeper meanings, which I find inspirational. I study the early masterpieces of classic artists to gain artistic influence for my works. Most of the symbolism in classic paintings reminds us of our mortality and fleeting existence or “Memento Mori.”

  • Material: Metal canvas
  • Medium: Still life photography
  • Year: 2023-2024
  • Exhibition: June-December 2024


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